
In this tutorial, we will show:

  • How to create an FSA in k2

  • How to create a 1-D vector of FSAs in k2

  • Common methods of k2.Fsa

A single FSA

The following code shows how to create an FSA in k2:

s = '''
  0 1 10 0.1
  0 2 20 0.2
  1 2 30 0.3
  1 3 -1 0.4
  2 3 -1 0.5
fsa = k2.Fsa.from_str(s)

Please refer to k2.Fsa.from_str() for the format of the string s that must have.


The resulting FSA can be visualized via the following two APIs:


You have to install graphviz in order to use the above two APIs. It can be installed using the following command:

pip install graphviz

The return value of k2.to_dot() can be visualized automagically in a jupyter notebook. Fig. 10 is a screenshot of invoking k2.to_dot() for the above FSA.

Result of to_dot

Fig. 10 Screenshot of running k2.to_dot() in a jupyter notebook.

k2.Fsa.draw() is able to save the resulting FSA to a file for offline visualization. Its return value can also be displayed in a jupyter notebook. A screenshot of running k2.Fsa.draw() for the above FSA is shown in

Result of Fsa.draw

Fig. 11 Screenshot of running k2.Fsa.draw() in a jupyter notebook.

The generated fsa.svg is visualized in Fig. 12.


Fig. 12 fsa.svg generated by k2.Fsa.draw().

Symbol table

You can also attach a symbol table to the above FSA:

sym_str = '''
  a 10
  b 20
  c 30
fsa.labels_sym = k2.SymbolTable.from_str(sym_str)
fsa.draw('fsa_symbols.svg', title='An FSA with symbol table')

The visualization result is given in Fig. 13.


Fig. 13 Visualization of an FSA with a symbol table.

To attach a symbol table to an FSA, just assign an instance of class k2.SymbolTable to the labels_sym attribute of the FSA.

Auxiliary labels

You can also attach an integer attribute to every arc in the FSA. If the attribute name is aux_labels, the resulting FSA is viewed as an FST in k2.

An example is given below.

fsa.aux_labels = torch.tensor([10, 0, 30, -1, -1]).to(torch.int32)
fsa.draw('fsa_aux.svg', title='An FSA with aux_labels')


We require that aux_labels is either a torch.Tensor with dtype torch.int32 or a ragged tensor of type k2.RaggedInt. Also note that the aux_labels for arcs entering the final state are -1.

Auxiliary symbol table

If an FSA is assigned an attribute with name aux_labels_sym, its aux_labels is visualized with human readable strings instead of integer IDs (the same

The following is an example.

aux_labels_sym = k2.SymbolTable.from_str('''
  A 10
  B 30
fsa.aux_labels_sym = aux_labels_sym
fsa.draw('fsa_aux_symbols.svg', title='An FSA with aux_symbols')


labels and aux_labels can be swapped using k2.Fsa.invert() or k2.Fsa.invert_():


fsa_invert.svg is shown in Fig. 14.


Fig. 14 Invert an FSA.


It is a convention in k2 that a method with name ending with an underscore changes the object in-place. k2.Fsa.invert() returns a new FSA, whereas k2.Fsa.invert_() modifies self in-place.


scores is one of the most important attributes of an FSA. There is a score for every arc and k2.Fsa.scores returns the scores of an FSA in a 1-D torch.Tensor with dtype torch.float32:

# it prints:
#   tensor([0.1000, 0.2000, 0.3000, 0.4000, 0.5000])


k2 supports CPU as well as CUDA. You can tell whether an FSA is on CPU with k2.Fsa.is_cpu():


If fsa is on CPU, the above code prints True; otherwise, it prints False.


To test whether an FSA is on CUDA GPU or not, you can use:


If it prints True, the fsa is on a CUDA GPU; otherwise, it is on CPU.


An FSA can be moved among different devices with k2.Fsa.to():

device = torch.device('cpu')
fsa = fsa.to(device)
assert fsa.is_cpu()

assert fsa.device == torch.device('cpu')

fsa = fsa.to('cuda:1')
assert fsa.is_cuda()

assert fsa.device == torch.device('cuda', 1)

Note that you can use k2.Fsa.device to get the device on which the current FSA resides.

A list of FSAs: FsaVec

You can use k2.create_fsa_vec() to create a FsaVec from a list of FSAs. For example,

fsa_vec = k2.create_fsa_vec([fsa, fsa])

Both FsaVec and FSA are represented by a single Python class k2.Fsa. You can tell whether an instance of k2.Fsa is a single FSA or a FsaVec from its property k2.Fsa.shape:

  • For a single FSA, k2.Fsa.shape returns a tuple with two elements (num_states, None)

  • For a FsaVec, k2.Fsa.shape returns a tuple with three elements (num_fsas, None, None)