Follow the code style

We use the following tools to make the code style to be as consistent as possible:

  • black, to format the code

  • flake8, to check the style and quality of the code

  • isort, to sort imports

The following versions of the above tools are used:

  • black == 22.3.0

  • flake8 == 5.0.4

  • isort == 5.10.1

After running the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd icefall
$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install

it will run the following checks whenever you run git commit, automatically:


Fig. 12 pre-commit hooks invoked by git commit (Failed).

If any of the above checks failed, your git commit was not successful. Please fix any issues reported by the check tools.


Some of the check tools, i.e., black and isort will modify the files to be committed in-place. So please run git status after failure to see which file has been modified by the tools before you make any further changes.

After fixing all the failures, run git commit again and it should succeed this time:


Fig. 13 pre-commit hooks invoked by git commit (Succeeded).

If you want to check the style of your code before git commit, you can do the following:

$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit run

Or without installing the pre-commit hooks:

$ cd icefall
$ pip install black==22.3.0 flake8==5.0.4 isort==5.10.1
$ black --check
$ black  # modify it in-place
$ flake8
$ isort --check  # modify it in-place
$ isort