Decoding with language models

This section describes how to use external langugage models during decoding to improve the WER of transducer models. To train an external language model, please refer to this tutorial: Train an RNN language model.

The following decoding methods with external langugage models are available:

Decoding method



Beam search (i.e. really n-best decoding, the “beam” is the value of n), similar to the original RNN-T paper. Note, this method does not use language model.


As modified_beam_search, but interpolate RNN-T scores with language model scores, also known as shallow fusion


As modified_beam_search_lm_shallow_fusion, but subtract score of a (BPE-symbol-level) bigram backoff language model used as an approximation to the internal language model of RNN-T.


As modified_beam_search, but rescore the n-best hypotheses with external language model (e.g. RNNLM) and re-rank them.


As modified_beam_search_lm_rescore, but also subtract the score of a (BPE-symbol-level) bigram backoff language model during re-ranking.