LODR for RNN Transducer

As a type of E2E model, neural transducers are usually considered as having an internal language model, which learns the language level information on the training corpus. In real-life scenario, there is often a mismatch between the training corpus and the target corpus space. This mismatch can be a problem when decoding for neural transducer models with language models as its internal language can act “against” the external LM. In this tutorial, we show how to use Low-order Density Ratio to alleviate this effect to further improve the performance of langugae model integration.


This tutorial is based on the recipe pruned_transducer_stateless7_streaming, which is a streaming transducer model trained on LibriSpeech. However, you can easily apply LODR to other recipes. If you encounter any problems, please open an issue here icefall.


For simplicity, the training and testing corpus in this tutorial are the same (LibriSpeech). However, you can change the testing set to any other domains (e.g GigaSpeech) and prepare the language models using that corpus.

First, let’s have a look at some background information. As the predecessor of LODR, Density Ratio (DR) is first proposed here to address the language information mismatch between the training corpus (source domain) and the testing corpus (target domain). Assuming that the source domain and the test domain are acoustically similar, DR derives the following formula for decoding with Bayes’ theorem:

\[\text{score}\left(y_u|\mathit{x},y\right) = \log p\left(y_u|\mathit{x},y_{1:u-1}\right) + \lambda_1 \log p_{\text{Target LM}}\left(y_u|\mathit{x},y_{1:u-1}\right) - \lambda_2 \log p_{\text{Source LM}}\left(y_u|\mathit{x},y_{1:u-1}\right)\]

where \(\lambda_1\) and \(\lambda_2\) are the weights of LM scores for target domain and source domain respectively. Here, the source domain LM is trained on the training corpus. The only difference in the above formula compared to shallow fusion is the subtraction of the source domain LM.

Some works treat the predictor and the joiner of the neural transducer as its internal LM. However, the LM is considered to be weak and can only capture low-level language information. Therefore, LODR proposed to use a low-order n-gram LM as an approximation of the ILM of the neural transducer. This leads to the following formula during decoding for transducer model:

\[\text{score}\left(y_u|\mathit{x},y\right) = \log p_{rnnt}\left(y_u|\mathit{x},y_{1:u-1}\right) + \lambda_1 \log p_{\text{Target LM}}\left(y_u|\mathit{x},y_{1:u-1}\right) - \lambda_2 \log p_{\text{bi-gram}}\left(y_u|\mathit{x},y_{1:u-1}\right)\]

In LODR, an additional bi-gram LM estimated on the source domain (e.g training corpus) is required. Compared to DR, the only difference lies in the choice of source domain LM. According to the original paper, LODR achieves similar performance compared to DR in both intra-domain and cross-domain settings. As a bi-gram is much faster to evaluate, LODR is usually much faster.

Now, we will show you how to use LODR in icefall. For illustration purpose, we will use a pre-trained ASR model from this link. If you want to train your model from scratch, please have a look at Pruned transducer statelessX. The testing scenario here is intra-domain (we decode the model trained on LibriSpeech on LibriSpeech testing sets).

As the initial step, let’s download the pre-trained model.

$ GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone https://huggingface.co/Zengwei/icefall-asr-librispeech-pruned-transducer-stateless7-streaming-2022-12-29
$ cd icefall-asr-librispeech-pruned-transducer-stateless7-streaming-2022-12-29/exp
$ git lfs pull --include "pretrained.pt"
$ ln -s pretrained.pt epoch-99.pt # create a symbolic link so that the checkpoint can be loaded
$ cd ../data/lang_bpe_500
$ git lfs pull --include bpe.model
$ cd ../../..

To test the model, let’s have a look at the decoding results without using LM. This can be done via the following command:

$ exp_dir=./icefall-asr-librispeech-pruned-transducer-stateless7-streaming-2022-12-29/exp/
$ ./pruned_transducer_stateless7_streaming/decode.py \
    --epoch 99 \
    --avg 1 \
    --use-averaged-model False \
    --exp-dir $exp_dir \
    --bpe-model ./icefall-asr-librispeech-pruned-transducer-stateless7-streaming-2022-12-29/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
    --max-duration 600 \
    --decode-chunk-len 32 \
    --decoding-method modified_beam_search

The following WERs are achieved on test-clean and test-other:

$ For test-clean, WER of different settings are:
$ beam_size_4       3.11    best for test-clean
$ For test-other, WER of different settings are:
$ beam_size_4       7.93    best for test-other

Then, we download the external language model and bi-gram LM that are necessary for LODR. Note that the bi-gram is estimated on the LibriSpeech 960 hours’ text.

$ # download the external LM
$ GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone https://huggingface.co/ezerhouni/icefall-librispeech-rnn-lm
$ # create a symbolic link so that the checkpoint can be loaded
$ pushd icefall-librispeech-rnn-lm/exp
$ git lfs pull --include "pretrained.pt"
$ ln -s pretrained.pt epoch-99.pt
$ popd
$ # download the bi-gram
$ git lfs install
$ git clone https://huggingface.co/marcoyang/librispeech_bigram
$ pushd data/lang_bpe_500
$ ln -s ../../librispeech_bigram/2gram.fst.txt .
$ popd

Then, we perform LODR decoding by setting --decoding-method to modified_beam_search_lm_LODR:

$ exp_dir=./icefall-asr-librispeech-pruned-transducer-stateless7-streaming-2022-12-29/exp
$ lm_dir=./icefall-librispeech-rnn-lm/exp
$ lm_scale=0.42
$ LODR_scale=-0.24
$ ./pruned_transducer_stateless7_streaming/decode.py \
    --epoch 99 \
    --avg 1 \
    --use-averaged-model False \
    --beam-size 4 \
    --exp-dir $exp_dir \
    --max-duration 600 \
    --decode-chunk-len 32 \
    --decoding-method modified_beam_search_LODR \
    --bpe-model ./icefall-asr-librispeech-pruned-transducer-stateless7-streaming-2022-12-29/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
    --use-shallow-fusion 1 \
    --lm-type rnn \
    --lm-exp-dir $lm_dir \
    --lm-epoch 99 \
    --lm-scale $lm_scale \
    --lm-avg 1 \
    --rnn-lm-embedding-dim 2048 \
    --rnn-lm-hidden-dim 2048 \
    --rnn-lm-num-layers 3 \
    --lm-vocab-size 500 \
    --tokens-ngram 2 \
    --ngram-lm-scale $LODR_scale

There are two extra arguments that need to be given when doing LODR. --tokens-ngram specifies the order of n-gram. As we are using a bi-gram, we set it to 2. --ngram-lm-scale is the scale of the bi-gram, it should be a negative number as we are subtracting the bi-gram’s score during decoding.

The decoding results obtained with the above command are shown below:

$ For test-clean, WER of different settings are:
$ beam_size_4       2.61    best for test-clean
$ For test-other, WER of different settings are:
$ beam_size_4       6.74    best for test-other

Recall that the lowest WER we obtained in Shallow fusion for Transducer with beam size of 4 is 2.77/7.08, LODR indeed further improves the WER. We can do even better if we increase --beam-size:

Table 2 WER of LODR with different beam sizes

Beam size










