Export LSTM transducer models to ncnn

We use the pre-trained model from the following repository as an example:


We will show you step by step how to export it to ncnn and run it with sherpa-ncnn.


We use Ubuntu 18.04, torch 1.13, and Python 3.8 for testing.


torch > 2.0 may not work. If you get errors while building pnnx, please switch to torch < 2.0.

1. Download the pre-trained model


You have to install git-lfs before you continue.

cd egs/librispeech/ASR
GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone https://huggingface.co/csukuangfj/icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03
cd icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03

git lfs pull --include "exp/pretrained-iter-468000-avg-16.pt"
git lfs pull --include "data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model"

cd ..


We downloaded exp/pretrained-xxx.pt, not exp/cpu-jit_xxx.pt.

In the above code, we downloaded the pre-trained model into the directory egs/librispeech/ASR/icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03.

2. Install ncnn and pnnx

Please refer to 2. Install ncnn and pnnx .

3. Export the model via torch.jit.trace()

First, let us rename our pre-trained model:

cd egs/librispeech/ASR

cd icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp

ln -s pretrained-iter-468000-avg-16.pt epoch-99.pt

cd ../..

Next, we use the following code to export our model:


./lstm_transducer_stateless2/export-for-ncnn.py \
  --exp-dir $dir/exp \
  --tokens $dir/data/lang_bpe_500/tokens.txt \
  --epoch 99 \
  --avg 1 \
  --use-averaged-model 0 \
  --num-encoder-layers 12 \
  --encoder-dim 512 \
  --rnn-hidden-size 1024


We have renamed our model to epoch-99.pt so that we can use --epoch 99. There is only one pre-trained model, so we use --avg 1 --use-averaged-model 0.

If you have trained a model by yourself and if you have all checkpoints available, please first use decode.py to tune --epoch --avg and select the best combination with with --use-averaged-model 1.


You will see the following log output:

2023-02-17 11:22:42,862 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:222] device: cpu
2023-02-17 11:22:42,865 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:231] {'best_train_loss': inf, 'best_valid_loss': inf, 'best_train_epoch': -1, 'best_valid_epoch': -1, 'batch_idx_train': 0, 'log_interval': 50, 'reset_interval': 200, 'valid_interval': 3000, 'feature_dim': 80, 'subsampling_factor': 4, 'dim_feedforward': 2048, 'decoder_dim': 512, 'joiner_dim': 512, 'is_pnnx': False, 'model_warm_step': 3000, 'env_info': {'k2-version': '1.23.4', 'k2-build-type': 'Release', 'k2-with-cuda': True, 'k2-git-sha1': '62e404dd3f3a811d73e424199b3408e309c06e1a', 'k2-git-date': 'Mon Jan 30 10:26:16 2023', 'lhotse-version': '1.12.0.dev+missing.version.file', 'torch-version': '1.10.0+cu102', 'torch-cuda-available': False, 'torch-cuda-version': '10.2', 'python-version': '3.8', 'icefall-git-branch': 'master', 'icefall-git-sha1': '6d7a559-dirty', 'icefall-git-date': 'Thu Feb 16 19:47:54 2023', 'icefall-path': '/star-fj/fangjun/open-source/icefall-2', 'k2-path': '/star-fj/fangjun/open-source/k2/k2/python/k2/__init__.py', 'lhotse-path': '/star-fj/fangjun/open-source/lhotse/lhotse/__init__.py', 'hostname': 'de-74279-k2-train-3-1220120619-7695ff496b-s9n4w', 'IP address': ''}, 'epoch': 99, 'iter': 0, 'avg': 1, 'exp_dir': PosixPath('icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp'), 'bpe_model': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model', 'context_size': 2, 'use_averaged_model': False, 'num_encoder_layers': 12, 'encoder_dim': 512, 'rnn_hidden_size': 1024, 'aux_layer_period': 0, 'blank_id': 0, 'vocab_size': 500}
2023-02-17 11:22:42,865 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:235] About to create model
2023-02-17 11:22:43,239 INFO [train.py:472] Disable giga
2023-02-17 11:22:43,249 INFO [checkpoint.py:112] Loading checkpoint from icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/epoch-99.pt
2023-02-17 11:22:44,595 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:324] encoder parameters: 83137520
2023-02-17 11:22:44,596 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:325] decoder parameters: 257024
2023-02-17 11:22:44,596 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:326] joiner parameters: 781812
2023-02-17 11:22:44,596 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:327] total parameters: 84176356
2023-02-17 11:22:44,596 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:329] Using torch.jit.trace()
2023-02-17 11:22:44,596 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:331] Exporting encoder
2023-02-17 11:22:48,182 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:158] Saved to icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
2023-02-17 11:22:48,183 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:335] Exporting decoder
/star-fj/fangjun/open-source/icefall-2/egs/librispeech/ASR/lstm_transducer_stateless2/decoder.py:101: TracerWarning: Converting a tensor to a Python boolean might cause the trace to be incorrect. We can't record the data flow of Python values, so this value will be treated as a constant in the future. This means that the trace might not generalize to other inputs!
  need_pad = bool(need_pad)
2023-02-17 11:22:48,259 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:180] Saved to icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
2023-02-17 11:22:48,259 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:339] Exporting joiner
2023-02-17 11:22:48,304 INFO [export-for-ncnn.py:207] Saved to icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.pt

The log shows the model has 84176356 parameters, i.e., ~84 M.

ls -lh icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/pretrained-iter-468000-avg-16.pt

-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 324M Feb 17 10:34 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/pretrained-iter-468000-avg-16.pt

You can see that the file size of the pre-trained model is 324 MB, which is roughly equal to 84176356*4/1024/1024 = 321.107 MB.

After running lstm_transducer_stateless2/export-for-ncnn.py, we will get the following files:

ls -lh icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/*pnnx.pt

-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 1010K Feb 17 11:22 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  318M Feb 17 11:22 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  3.0M Feb 17 11:22 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.pt

4. Export torchscript model via pnnx


Make sure you have set up the PATH environment variable in 2. Install ncnn and pnnx. Otherwise, it will throw an error saying that pnnx could not be found.

Now, it’s time to export our models to ncnn via pnnx.

cd icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/

pnnx ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
pnnx ./decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
pnnx ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.pt

It will generate the following files:

ls -lh  icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/*ncnn*{bin,param}

-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 503K Feb 17 11:32 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  437 Feb 17 11:32 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 159M Feb 17 11:32 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  21K Feb 17 11:32 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 1.5M Feb 17 11:33 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  488 Feb 17 11:33 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param

There are two types of files:

  • param: It is a text file containing the model architectures. You can use a text editor to view its content.

  • bin: It is a binary file containing the model parameters.

We compare the file sizes of the models below before and after converting via pnnx:

File name

File size


318 MB


1010 KB


3.0 MB


159 MB


503 KB


1.5 MB

You can see that the file sizes of the models after conversion are about one half of the models before conversion:

  • encoder: 318 MB vs 159 MB

  • decoder: 1010 KB vs 503 KB

  • joiner: 3.0 MB vs 1.5 MB

The reason is that by default pnnx converts float32 parameters to float16. A float32 parameter occupies 4 bytes, while it is 2 bytes for float16. Thus, it is twice smaller after conversion.


If you use pnnx ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt fp16=0, then pnnx won’t convert float32 to float16.

5. Test the exported models in icefall


We assume you have set up the environment variable PYTHONPATH when building ncnn.

Now we have successfully converted our pre-trained model to ncnn format. The generated 6 files are what we need. You can use the following code to test the converted models:

python3 ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/streaming-ncnn-decode.py \
  --tokens ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/data/lang_bpe_500/tokens.txt \
  --encoder-param-filename ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  --encoder-bin-filename ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  --decoder-param-filename ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  --decoder-bin-filename ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  --joiner-param-filename ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  --joiner-bin-filename ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \


ncnn supports only batch size == 1, so streaming-ncnn-decode.py accepts only 1 wave file as input.

The output is given below:

2023-02-17 11:37:30,861 INFO [streaming-ncnn-decode.py:255] {'tokens': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/data/lang_bpe_500/tokens.txt', 'encoder_param_filename': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param', 'encoder_bin_filename': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin', 'decoder_param_filename': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param', 'decoder_bin_filename': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin', 'joiner_param_filename': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param', 'joiner_bin_filename': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin', 'sound_filename': './icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav'}
2023-02-17 11:37:31,425 INFO [streaming-ncnn-decode.py:263] Constructing Fbank computer
2023-02-17 11:37:31,427 INFO [streaming-ncnn-decode.py:266] Reading sound files: ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav
2023-02-17 11:37:31,431 INFO [streaming-ncnn-decode.py:271] torch.Size([106000])
2023-02-17 11:37:34,115 INFO [streaming-ncnn-decode.py:342] ./icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav

Congratulations! You have successfully exported a model from PyTorch to ncnn!

6. Modify the exported encoder for sherpa-ncnn

In order to use the exported models in sherpa-ncnn, we have to modify encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param.

Let us have a look at the first few lines of encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param:

267 379
Input                    in0                      0 1 in0

Explanation of the above three lines:

  1. 7767517, it is a magic number and should not be changed.

  2. 267 379, the first number 267 specifies the number of layers in this file, while 379 specifies the number of intermediate outputs of this file

  3. Input in0 0 1 in0, Input is the layer type of this layer; in0 is the layer name of this layer; 0 means this layer has no input; 1 means this layer has one output; in0 is the output name of this layer.

We need to add 1 extra line and also increment the number of layers. The result looks like below:

268 379
SherpaMetaData           sherpa_meta_data1        0 0 0=3 1=12 2=512 3=1024
Input                    in0                      0 1 in0


  1. 7767517, it is still the same

  2. 268 379, we have added an extra layer, so we need to update 267 to 268. We don’t need to change 379 since the newly added layer has no inputs or outputs.

  3. SherpaMetaData  sherpa_meta_data1  0 0 0=3 1=12 2=512 3=1024 This line is newly added. Its explanation is given below:

    • SherpaMetaData is the type of this layer. Must be SherpaMetaData.

    • sherpa_meta_data1 is the name of this layer. Must be sherpa_meta_data1.

    • 0 0 means this layer has no inputs or output. Must be 0 0

    • 0=3, 0 is the key and 3 is the value. MUST be 0=3

    • 1=12, 1 is the key and 12 is the value of the parameter --num-encoder-layers that you provided when running ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/export-for-ncnn.py.

    • 2=512, 2 is the key and 512 is the value of the parameter --encoder-dim that you provided when running ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/export-for-ncnn.py.

    • 3=1024, 3 is the key and 1024 is the value of the parameter --rnn-hidden-size that you provided when running ./lstm_transducer_stateless2/export-for-ncnn.py.

    For ease of reference, we list the key-value pairs that you need to add in the following table. If your model has a different setting, please change the values for SherpaMetaData accordingly. Otherwise, you will be SAD.




    3 (fixed)







  4. Input in0 0 1 in0. No need to change it.


When you add a new layer SherpaMetaData, please remember to update the number of layers. In our case, update 267 to 268. Otherwise, you will be SAD later.


After adding the new layer SherpaMetaData, you cannot use this model with streaming-ncnn-decode.py anymore since SherpaMetaData is supported only in sherpa-ncnn.


ncnn is very flexible. You can add new layers to it just by text-editing the param file! You don’t need to change the bin file.

Now you can use this model in sherpa-ncnn. Please refer to the following documentation:

We have a list of pre-trained models that have been exported for sherpa-ncnn:

7. (Optional) int8 quantization with sherpa-ncnn

This step is optional.

In this step, we describe how to quantize our model with int8.

Change 4. Export torchscript model via pnnx to disable fp16 when using pnnx:

cd icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/

pnnx ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt fp16=0
pnnx ./decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.pt
pnnx ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.pt fp16=0


We add fp16=0 when exporting the encoder and joiner. ncnn does not support quantizing the decoder model yet. We will update this documentation once ncnn supports it. (Maybe in this year, 2023).

ls -lh icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/*_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.{param,bin}

-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 503K Feb 17 11:32 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  437 Feb 17 11:32 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 317M Feb 17 11:54 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  21K Feb 17 11:54 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 3.0M Feb 17 11:54 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  488 Feb 17 11:54 icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param

Let us compare again the file sizes:

File name

File size


318 MB


1010 KB


3.0 MB

encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp16)

159 MB

decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp16)

503 KB

joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp16)

1.5 MB

encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp32)

317 MB

joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp32)

3.0 MB

You can see that the file sizes are doubled when we disable fp16.


You can again use streaming-ncnn-decode.py to test the exported models.

Next, follow 6. Modify the exported encoder for sherpa-ncnn to modify encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param.


267 379
Input                    in0                      0 1 in0


268 379
SherpaMetaData           sherpa_meta_data1        0 0 0=3 1=12 2=512 3=1024
Input                    in0                      0 1 in0


Please follow 6. Modify the exported encoder for sherpa-ncnn to change the values for SherpaMetaData if your model uses a different setting.

Next, let us compile sherpa-ncnn since we will quantize our models within sherpa-ncnn.

# We will download sherpa-ncnn to $HOME/open-source/
# You can change it to anywhere you like.
cd $HOME
mkdir -p open-source

cd open-source
git clone https://github.com/k2-fsa/sherpa-ncnn
cd sherpa-ncnn
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j 4


export PATH=$HOME/open-source/sherpa-ncnn/build/bin:$PATH

The output of the above commands are:

(py38) kuangfangjun:build$ generate-int8-scale-table
Please provide 10 arg. Currently given: 1
generate-int8-scale-table encoder.param encoder.bin decoder.param decoder.bin joiner.param joiner.bin encoder-scale-table.txt joiner-scale-table.txt wave_filenames.txt

Each line in wave_filenames.txt is a path to some 16k Hz mono wave file.

We need to create a file wave_filenames.txt, in which we need to put some calibration wave files. For testing purpose, we put the test_wavs from the pre-trained model repository https://huggingface.co/csukuangfj/icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03

cd egs/librispeech/ASR
cd icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/

cat <<EOF > wave_filenames.txt

Now we can calculate the scales needed for quantization with the calibration data:

cd egs/librispeech/ASR
cd icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/

generate-int8-scale-table \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  ./decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  ./encoder-scale-table.txt \
  ./joiner-scale-table.txt \

The output logs are in the following:

Don't Use GPU. has_gpu: 0, config.use_vulkan_compute: 1
num encoder conv layers: 28
num joiner conv layers: 3
num files: 3
Processing ../test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav
Processing ../test_wavs/1221-135766-0001.wav
Processing ../test_wavs/1221-135766-0002.wav
Processing ../test_wavs/1089-134686-0001.wav
Processing ../test_wavs/1221-135766-0001.wav
Processing ../test_wavs/1221-135766-0002.wav
conv_15                                  : max = 15.942385        threshold = 15.930708        scale = 7.972025
conv_16                                  : max = 44.978855        threshold = 17.031788        scale = 7.456645
conv_17                                  : max = 17.868437        threshold = 7.830528         scale = 16.218575
linear_18                                : max = 3.107259         threshold = 1.194808         scale = 106.293236
linear_19                                : max = 6.193777         threshold = 4.634748         scale = 27.401705
linear_20                                : max = 9.259933         threshold = 2.606617         scale = 48.722160
linear_21                                : max = 5.186600         threshold = 4.790260         scale = 26.512129
linear_22                                : max = 9.759041         threshold = 2.265832         scale = 56.050053
linear_23                                : max = 3.931209         threshold = 3.099090         scale = 40.979767
linear_24                                : max = 10.324160        threshold = 2.215561         scale = 57.321835
linear_25                                : max = 3.800708         threshold = 3.599352         scale = 35.284134
linear_26                                : max = 10.492444        threshold = 3.153369         scale = 40.274391
linear_27                                : max = 3.660161         threshold = 2.720994         scale = 46.674126
linear_28                                : max = 9.415265         threshold = 3.174434         scale = 40.007133
linear_29                                : max = 4.038418         threshold = 3.118534         scale = 40.724262
linear_30                                : max = 10.072084        threshold = 3.936867         scale = 32.259155
linear_31                                : max = 4.342712         threshold = 3.599489         scale = 35.282787
linear_32                                : max = 11.340535        threshold = 3.120308         scale = 40.701103
linear_33                                : max = 3.846987         threshold = 3.630030         scale = 34.985939
linear_34                                : max = 10.686298        threshold = 2.204571         scale = 57.607586
linear_35                                : max = 4.904821         threshold = 4.575518         scale = 27.756420
linear_36                                : max = 11.806659        threshold = 2.585589         scale = 49.118401
linear_37                                : max = 6.402340         threshold = 5.047157         scale = 25.162680
linear_38                                : max = 11.174589        threshold = 1.923361         scale = 66.030258
linear_39                                : max = 16.178576        threshold = 7.556058         scale = 16.807705
linear_40                                : max = 12.901954        threshold = 5.301267         scale = 23.956539
linear_41                                : max = 14.839805        threshold = 7.597429         scale = 16.716181
linear_42                                : max = 10.178945        threshold = 2.651595         scale = 47.895699
linear_2                                 : max = 24.829245        threshold = 16.627592        scale = 7.637907
linear_1                                 : max = 10.746186        threshold = 5.255032         scale = 24.167313
linear_3                                 : max = 1.000000         threshold = 0.999756         scale = 127.031013
ncnn int8 calibration table create success, best wish for your int8 inference has a low accuracy loss...\(^0^)/...233...

It generates the following two files:

ls -lh encoder-scale-table.txt joiner-scale-table.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 345K Feb 17 12:13 encoder-scale-table.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  17K Feb 17 12:13 joiner-scale-table.txt


Definitely, you need more calibration data to compute the scale table.

Finally, let us use the scale table to quantize our models into int8.


usage: ncnn2int8 [inparam] [inbin] [outparam] [outbin] [calibration table]

First, we quantize the encoder model:

cd egs/librispeech/ASR
cd icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/

ncnn2int8 \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.param \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.bin \

Next, we quantize the joiner model:

ncnn2int8 \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.param \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.bin \

The above two commands generate the following 4 files:

-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 218M Feb 17 12:19 encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  21K Feb 17 12:19 encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.param
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root 774K Feb 17 12:19 joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 kuangfangjun root  496 Feb 17 12:19 joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.param

Congratulations! You have successfully quantized your model from float32 to int8.


ncnn.int8.param and ncnn.int8.bin must be used in pairs.

You can replace ncnn.param and ncnn.bin with ncnn.int8.param and ncnn.int8.bin in sherpa-ncnn if you like.

For instance, to use only the int8 encoder in sherpa-ncnn, you can replace the following invocation:

cd egs/librispeech/ASR
cd icefall-asr-librispeech-lstm-transducer-stateless2-2022-09-03/exp/

sherpa-ncnn \
  ../data/lang_bpe_500/tokens.txt \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  ./decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \


cd egs/librispeech/ASR
cd icefall-asr-librispeech-conv-emformer-transducer-stateless2-2022-07-05/exp/

sherpa-ncnn \
  ../data/lang_bpe_500/tokens.txt \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.param \
  ./encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.int8.bin \
  ./decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.param \
  ./joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin \

The following table compares again the file sizes:

File name

File size


318 MB


1010 KB


3.0 MB

encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp16)

159 MB

decoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp16)

503 KB

joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp16)

1.5 MB

encoder_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp32)

317 MB

joiner_jit_trace-pnnx.ncnn.bin (fp32)

3.0 MB


218 MB


774 KB

You can see that the file size of the joiner model after int8 quantization is much smaller. However, the size of the encoder model is even larger than the fp16 counterpart. The reason is that ncnn currently does not support quantizing LSTM layers into 8-bit. Please see https://github.com/Tencent/ncnn/issues/4532


Currently, only linear layers and convolutional layers are quantized with int8, so you don’t see an exact 4x reduction in file sizes.


You need to test the recognition accuracy after int8 quantization.

That’s it! Have fun with sherpa-ncnn!