Finetune from a supervised pre-trained Zipformer model

This tutorial shows you how to fine-tune a supervised pre-trained Zipformer transducer model on a new dataset.


We assume you have read the page Installation and have setup the environment for icefall.


We recommend you to use a GPU or several GPUs to run this recipe

For illustration purpose, we fine-tune the Zipformer transducer model pre-trained on LibriSpeech on the small subset of GigaSpeech. You could use your own data for fine-tuning if you create a manifest for your new dataset.

Data preparation

Please follow the instructions in the GigaSpeech recipe to prepare the fine-tune data used in this tutorial. We only require the small subset in GigaSpeech for this tutorial.

Model preparation

We are using the Zipformer model trained on full LibriSpeech (960 hours) as the intialization. The checkpoint of the model can be downloaded via the following command:

$ GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 git clone
$ cd icefall-asr-librispeech-zipformer-2023-05-15/exp
$ git lfs pull --include ""
$ ln -s
$ cd ../data/lang_bpe_500
$ git lfs pull --include bpe.model
$ cd ../../..

Before fine-tuning, let’s test the model’s WER on the new domain. The following command performs decoding on the GigaSpeech test sets:

./zipformer/ \
    --epoch 99 \
    --avg 1 \
    --exp-dir icefall-asr-librispeech-zipformer-2023-05-15/exp \
    --use-averaged-model 0 \
    --max-duration 1000 \
    --decoding-method greedy_search

You should see the following numbers:

For dev, WER of different settings are:
greedy_search       20.06   best for dev

For test, WER of different settings are:
greedy_search       19.27   best for test


Since LibriSpeech and GigaSpeech are both English dataset, we can initialize the whole Zipformer model with the checkpoint downloaded in the previous step (otherwise we should consider initializing the stateless decoder and joiner from scratch due to the mismatch of the output vocabulary). The following command starts a fine-tuning experiment:

$ use_mux=0
$ do_finetune=1

$ ./zipformer/ \
    --world-size 2 \
    --num-epochs 20 \
    --start-epoch 1 \
    --exp-dir zipformer/exp_giga_finetune${do_finetune}_mux${use_mux} \
    --use-fp16 1 \
    --base-lr 0.0045 \
    --bpe-model data/lang_bpe_500/bpe.model \
    --do-finetune $do_finetune \
    --use-mux $use_mux \
    --master-port 13024 \
    --finetune-ckpt icefall-asr-librispeech-zipformer-2023-05-15/exp/ \
    --max-duration 1000

The following arguments are related to fine-tuning:

  • --base-lr

    The learning rate used for fine-tuning. We suggest to set a small learning rate for fine-tuning, otherwise the model may forget the initialization very quickly. A reasonable value should be around 1/10 of the original lr, i.e 0.0045.

  • --do-finetune

    If True, do fine-tuning by initializing the model from a pre-trained checkpoint. Note that if you want to resume your fine-tuning experiment from certain epochs, you need to set this to False.

  • --finetune-ckpt

    The path to the pre-trained checkpoint (used for initialization).

  • --use-mux

    If True, mix the fine-tune data with the original training data by using CutSet.mux This helps maintain the model’s performance on the original domain if the original training is available. If you don’t have the original training data, please set it to False.

After fine-tuning, let’s test the WERs. You can do this via the following command:

$ use_mux=0
$ do_finetune=1
$ ./zipformer/ \
    --epoch 20 \
    --avg 10 \
    --exp-dir zipformer/exp_giga_finetune${do_finetune}_mux${use_mux} \
    --use-averaged-model 1 \
    --max-duration 1000 \
    --decoding-method greedy_search

You should see numbers similar to the ones below:

For dev, WER of different settings are:
greedy_search       13.47   best for dev

For test, WER of different settings are:
greedy_search       13.66   best for test

Compared to the original checkpoint, the fine-tuned model achieves much lower WERs on the GigaSpeech test sets.