Where to get help

If you have any questions, please create an issue at https://github.com/k2-fsa/sherpa-ncnn

We also have active social groups:

  • 微信公众号: 新一代 Kaldi

  • 微信交流群:请关注新一代 Kaldi, 添加工作人员微信, 我们邀请您进群

  • QQ 群:744602236

No default input device found

If you are using Linux and if sherpa-ncnn-microphone throws the following error:

Num device: 0
No default input device found.

Please consider using sherpa-ncnn-alsa to replace sherpa-ncnn-microphone. If you cannot find sherpa-ncnn-alsa in ./build/bin, please run the following commands:

cd /path/to/sherpa-ncnn
sudo apt-get install alsa-utils libasound2-dev
cd build
rm CMakeCache.txt # Important, remove the cmake cache file
make -j

After the above commands, you should see a binary file ./build/bin/sherpa-ncnn-alsa.

Please follow sherpa-ncnn-alsa to use sherpa-ncnn-alsa.