
This page describes how to build sherpa-ncnn on Windows.


For the Python API, please refer to Python API.


MinGW is known not to work. Please install Visual Studio before you continue.

64-bit Windows (x64)

All you need is to run:

git clone
cd sherpa-ncnn
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --config Release -- -m:6

It will generate two executables inside ./bin/Release/:

  • sherpa-ncnn.exe: For decoding a single wave file.

  • sherpa-ncnn-microphone.exe: For real-time speech recognition from a microphone

That’s it!

Please read Pre-trained models for usages about the generated binaries.

Please create an issue at if you have any problems.

32-bit Windows (x86)

All you need is to run:

git clone
cd sherpa-ncnn
mkdir build
cd build

# Please select one toolset among VS 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 below
# We use VS 2022 as an example.

# For Visual Studio 2015
# cmake -T v140,host=x64 -A Win32 -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

# For Visual Studio 2017
# cmake -T v141,host=x64 -A Win32 -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

# For Visual Studio 2019
# cmake -T v142,host=x64 -A Win32 -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

# For Visual Studio 2022
cmake -T v143,host=x64 -A Win32 -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

cmake --build . --config Release -- -m:6

It will generate two executables inside ./bin/Release/:

  • sherpa-ncnn.exe: For decoding a single wave file.

  • sherpa-ncnn-microphone.exe: For real-time speech recognition from a microphone

That’s it!

Please read Pre-trained models for usages about the generated binaries.

Please create an issue at if you have any problems.