Use pre-built WebAssembly library

In this section, we describe how to use the pre-built WebAssembly library of sherpa-ncnn for real-time speech recognition.


Note that the pre-built library used in this section uses a bilingual model (Chinese + English), which is from csukuangfj/sherpa-ncnn-streaming-zipformer-bilingual-zh-en-2023-02-13 (Bilingual, Chinese + English).


Please use the following command to download the pre-built library for version v2.1.7, which is the latest release as of 2024.02.06.


Please always use the latest release. You can visit to find the latest release.

wget -q
tar xvf sherpa-ncnn-wasm-simd-v2.1.7.tar.bz2
rm sherpa-ncnn-wasm-simd-v2.1.7.tar.bz2
cd sherpa-ncnn-wasm-simd-v2.1.7

python3 -m http.server 6006

Start your browser and visit http://localhost:6006/; you should see the following page:

start page of wasm

Now click start and speak! You should see the recognition results in the text box.


We are using a bilingual model (Chinese + English) in the above example, which means you can only speak Chinese or English in this case.

A screenshot is given below:

recognition result

Congratulations! You have successfully run real-time speech recognition with WebAssembly in your browser.