Pascal API
We provide APIs for Object Pascal.
In other words, you can develop the following types of applications using Object Pascal:
Voice activity detection
Streaming speech recognition (i.e., real-time speech recognition)
Non-streaming speech recognition
on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
For macOS, both Apple Silicon (i.e., macOS arm64, M1/M2/M3) and Intel chips are supported.
We will support text-to-speech, audio tagging, keyword spotting, speaker recognition, speech identification, and spoken language identification with object pascal later.
In the following, we describe how to use the object pascal API to decode files.
We use macOS below as an example. You can adapt it for Linux and Windows.
We support both static link and dynamic link; the example below uses
dynamic link. You can pass -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
to cmake
if you
want to use static link.
On the Windows platform, it supports only dynamic link though.
Install free pascal
Please visit for installation.
To check that you have installed fpc
successfully, please run:
fpc -h
which should print the usage information of fpc
Build sherpa-onnx
mkdir -p $HOME/open-source
cd $HOME/open-source
git clone
cd sherpa-onnx
mkdir build
cd build
cmake \
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
ls -lh install/lib
You should get the following two shared library files:
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:build fangjun$ ls -lh install/lib/
total 59696
-rw-r--r-- 1 fangjun staff 25M Aug 14 14:09 libonnxruntime.1.17.1.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x 1 fangjun staff 27B Aug 14 14:18 libonnxruntime.dylib -> libonnxruntime.1.17.1.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x 1 fangjun staff 3.9M Aug 15 15:01 libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib
Non-streaming speech recognition from files
We use the Whisper tiny.en
model below as an example.
We have hardcoded the model filenames in the code.
cd $HOME/open-source/sherpa-onnx
cd pascal-api-examples/non-streaming-asr/
tar xvf sherpa-onnx-whisper-tiny.en.tar.bz2
rm sherpa-onnx-whisper-tiny.en.tar.bz2
fpc \
-Fu$HOME/open-source/sherpa-onnx/sherpa-onnx/pascal-api \
-Fl$HOME/open-source/sherpa-onnx/build/install/lib \
# It will generate a file ./whisper
The output logs of the above fpc
command are given below:
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.2 [2021/05/16] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Darwin for x86_64
Compiling ./whisper.pas
Compiling /Users/fangjun/open-source/sherpa-onnx/sherpa-onnx/pascal-api/sherpa_onnx.pas
Assembling sherpa_onnx
Assembling whisper
Linking whisper
ld: warning: dylib (/Users/fangjun/open-source/sherpa-onnx/build/install/lib//libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib) was built for newer macOS version (10.14) tha
n being linked (10.8)
1530 lines compiled, 3.8 sec
Explanation of the options for the fpc
It defines a symbol
, which means we want to use dynamic link in the code. If you omit it, it will use static link. Please search for the stringSHERPA_ONNX_USE_SHARED_LIBS
in the file if you want to learn more.
It specifies the unit search path. Our sherpa_onnx.pas is inside the directory
and we have to tellfpc
where to find it.
It tells
where to look forlibsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib
After running the above fpc
command, we will find an executable file whisper
in the current directory, i.e., $HOME/open-source/sherpa-onnx/pascal-api-examples/non-streaming-asr/whisper
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:non-streaming-asr fangjun$ ls -lh ./whisper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 fangjun staff 2.3M Aug 16 12:13 ./whisper
If we run it:
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:non-streaming-asr fangjun$ ./whisper
dyld[23162]: Library not loaded: @rpath/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib
Referenced from: <3AE58F60-4925-335D-89A5-B30FD7D97D7E> /Users/fangjun/open-source/sherpa-onnx/pascal-api-examples/non-streaming-asr/whisper
Reason: tried: '/Users/fangjun/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/Cellar/ghostscript/9.55.0/lib/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib' (no such file), '/Users/fangjun/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/Cellar/ghostscript/9.55.0/lib/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib' (no such file), '/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS@rpath/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache)
Abort trap: 6
You can see it cannot find libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib
At the compilation time, we have used -Fl$HOME/sherpa-onnx/build/install/lib
to tell the compiler fpc
where to find libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib
At the runtime, we also need to do something to tell the executable where to look
for libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib
The following command does exactly that:
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:non-streaming-asr fangjun$ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/open-source/sherpa-onnx/build/install/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:non-streaming-asr fangjun$ ./whisper
TSherpaOnnxOfflineRecognizerResult(Text := After early nightfall, the yellow lamps would light up here and there the squalid quarter of the brothels., Tokens := [ After, early, night, fall, ,, the, yellow, lamps, would, light, up, here, and, there, the, squ, alid, quarter, of, the, bro, the, ls, .], Timestamps := [])
NumThreads 1
Elapsed 0.803 s
Wave duration 6.625 s
RTF = 0.803/6.625 = 0.121
If you are using Linux, please replace DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
Congratulations! You have successfully managed to use the object pascal API with Whisper for speech recognition!
You can find more examples at:
Colab notebook
We provide a colab notebook
for you to try this section step by step.