Generate subtitles

This page describes how to run the code in the following directory:


Before you continue, we assume you have installed Lazarus.

Screenshots on different platforms

The same code can be compiled without any modifications for different operating systems and architectures.

That is WOCA,

Write once, compile anywhere.

The following screenshots give an example about that.


Fig. 36 Linux-x64 screenshot

Get sherpa-onnx libraries

sherpa-onnx is implemented in C++. To use it with Object Pascal, we have to get either the static library or the dynamic library for sherpa-onnx.

To achieve that, you can either build sherpa-onnx from source or download pre-built libraries from

1. Build sherpa-onnx from source

The following code builds shared libraries for sherpa-onnx:

mkdir -p $HOME/open-source/
cd $HOME/open-source/
git clone
cd sherpa-onnx

# The build directory must be named as "build"
# for shared libraries

mkdir build
cd build

cmake \
cmake --build . --target install --config Release

The following code builds static libraries for sherpa-onnx:

mkdir -p $HOME/open-source/
cd $HOME/open-source/
git clone
cd sherpa-onnx

# The build directory must be named as "build-static"
# for shared libraries

mkdir build-static
cd build-static

cmake \
cmake --build . --target install --config Release


  • For building shared libraries, the build directory must be build.

  • For building static libraries, the build directory must be build-static.

If you want to learn why there are such constraints, please search for build-static in the file generate_subtitles.lpi

2. Download pre-built libraries

If you don’t want to build sherpa-onnx from source, please download pre-built libraries from

We suggest that you always use the latest release.

Required dynamic library files

Required static library files


sherpa-onnx-c-api.dll, onnxruntime.dll

N/A (We only support dynamic linking with sherpa-onnx in Lazarus on Windows)




  • libsherpa-onnx-c-api.a

  • libsherpa-onnx-core.a

  • libkaldi-decoder-core.a

  • libsherpa-onnx-kaldifst-core.a

  • libsherpa-onnx-fstfar.a

  • libsherpa-onnx-fst.a

  • libkaldi-native-fbank-core.a

  • libpiper_phonemize

  • liblibespeak-ng.a

  • libucd.a

  • liblibonnxruntime.a

  • libssentencepiece_core.a


  • libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib

  • libonnxruntime.1.17.1.dylib

  • libsherpa-onnx-c-api.a

  • libsherpa-onnx-core.a

  • libkaldi-decoder-core.a

  • libsherpa-onnx-kaldifst-core.a

  • libsherpa-onnx-fstfar.a

  • libsherpa-onnx-fst.a

  • libkaldi-native-fbank-core.a

  • libpiper_phonemize

  • liblibespeak-ng.a

  • libucd.a

  • liblibonnxruntime.a

  • libssentencepiece_core.a

If you download shared libraries, please create a build directory inside the sherpa-onnx project directory and put the library files into build/install/lib. An example on my macOS is given below:

(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:sherpa-onnx fangjun$ pwd
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:sherpa-onnx fangjun$ ls -lh build/install/lib
total 59696
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff    25M Aug 14 14:09 libonnxruntime.1.17.1.dylib
lrwxr-xr-x  1 fangjun  staff    27B Aug 14 14:18 libonnxruntime.dylib -> libonnxruntime.1.17.1.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 fangjun  staff   3.9M Aug 15 15:01 libsherpa-onnx-c-api.dylib

If you download static libraries, please create a build-static directory inside the sherpa-onnx project directory and put the library files into build-static/install/lib. An example on my macOS is given below:

(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:sherpa-onnx fangjun$ pwd
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:sherpa-onnx fangjun$ ls -lh build-static/install/lib
total 138176
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   438K Aug 15 15:03 libespeak-ng.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   726K Aug 15 15:03 libkaldi-decoder-core.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   198K Aug 15 15:03 libkaldi-native-fbank-core.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff    56M Aug 14 14:25 libonnxruntime.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   421K Aug 15 15:03 libpiper_phonemize.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff    87K Aug 15 15:03 libsherpa-onnx-c-api.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   5.7M Aug 15 15:03 libsherpa-onnx-core.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   2.3M Aug 15 15:03 libsherpa-onnx-fst.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff    30K Aug 15 15:03 libsherpa-onnx-fstfar.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   1.6M Aug 15 15:03 libsherpa-onnx-kaldifst-core.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   131K Aug 15 15:03 libsherpa-onnx-portaudio_static.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   147K Aug 15 15:03 libssentencepiece_core.a
-rw-r--r--  1 fangjun  staff   197K Aug 15 15:03 libucd.a

Build the generate_subtitles project

Now you can start Lazarus and open generate_subtitles.lpi .

Click the menu Run -> Compile. It should be able to build the project without any errors.


Please ignore warnings, if there are any.

After building, you should find the following files inside the directory generate_subtitles:

(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:generate_subtitles fangjun$ pwd
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:generate_subtitles fangjun$ ls -lh generate_subtitles
-rwxr-xr-x  1 fangjun  staff    25M Aug 15 20:44 generate_subtitles
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  6 fangjun  staff   192B Aug 14 23:01 Contents

Now you can start the generated executable generate_subtitles and you should get the screenshot like the one listed at the start of this section.

If you get any issues about shared libraries not found, please copy the shared library files from build/install/lib to the directory lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles or you can set the environment variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH (for macOS) and LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for Linux).

Download models

The generated executable expects that there are model files located in the same directory.

Download the VAD model

cd lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles

and put silero_vad.onnx into lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles.


If you are using macOS, please put it into lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles/

Download a speech recognition model

The executable expects a non-streaming speech recognition model. Currently, we have supported the following types of models

  • Whisper

  • Zipformer transducer

  • NeMo transducer

  • SenseVoice

  • Paraformer

  • TeleSpeech CTC

You can download them from

Note that you have to rename the model files after downloading.

Expected filenames


  • tokens.txt

  • whisper-encoder.onnx

  • whisper-decoder.onnx

Zipformer transducer

  • tokens.txt

  • transducer-encoder.onnx

  • transducer-decoder.onnx

  • transducer-joiner.onnx

NeMo transducer

  • tokens.txt

  • nemo-transducer-encoder.onnx

  • nemo-transducer-decoder.onnx

  • nemo-transducer-joiner.onnx


  • tokens.txt

  • sense-voice.onnx


  • tokens.txt

  • paraformer.onnx


  • tokens.txt

  • telespeech.onnx

We give several examples below.

1. Wisper

cd lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles
curl -SL -O

tar xvf sherpa-onnx-whisper-tiny.en.tar.bz2
rm sherpa-onnx-whisper-tiny.en.tar.bz2

cd sherpa-onnx-whisper-tiny.en

mv -v tiny.en-encoder.int8.onnx ../whisper-encoder.onnx
mv -v tiny.en-decoder.int8.onnx ../whisper-decoder.onnx
mv -v tiny.en-tokens.txt ../tokens.txt

cd ..
rm -rf sherpa-onnx-whisper-tiny.en

You can replace tiny.en with other types of Whisper models, e.g., tiny, base, etc.

2. Zipformer transducer

We give two examples below for Zipformer transducer

Example 1

cd lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles
curl -SL -O
tar xvf icefall-asr-zipformer-wenetspeech-20230615.tar.bz2
rm icefall-asr-zipformer-wenetspeech-20230615.tar.bz2

cd icefall-asr-zipformer-wenetspeech-20230615

mv -v data/lang_char/tokens.txt ../

mv -v exp/encoder-epoch-12-avg-4.int8.onnx ../transducer-encoder.onnx
mv -v exp/decoder-epoch-12-avg-4.onnx ../transducer-decoder.onnx
mv -v exp/joiner-epoch-12-avg-4.int8.onnx ../transducer-joiner.onnx

cd ..
rm icefall-asr-zipformer-wenetspeech-20230615

Example 2

cd lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles
curl -SL -O
tar xvf sherpa-onnx-zipformer-ja-reazonspeech-2024-08-01.tar.bz2
rm sherpa-onnx-zipformer-ja-reazonspeech-2024-08-01.tar.bz2

cd sherpa-onnx-zipformer-ja-reazonspeech-2024-08-01

mv ./tokens.txt ../
mv encoder-epoch-99-avg-1.int8.onnx ../transducer-encoder.onnx
mv decoder-epoch-99-avg-1.onnx ../transducer-decoder.onnx
mv joiner-epoch-99-avg-1.int8.onnx ../transducer-joiner.onnx

cd ../

rm -rf sherpa-onnx-zipformer-ja-reazonspeech-2024-08-01

3. NeMo transducer

cd lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles
curl -SL -O
tar xvf sherpa-onnx-nemo-fast-conformer-transducer-be-de-en-es-fr-hr-it-pl-ru-uk-20k.tar.bz2
rm sherpa-onnx-nemo-fast-conformer-transducer-be-de-en-es-fr-hr-it-pl-ru-uk-20k.tar.bz2

cd sherpa-onnx-nemo-fast-conformer-transducer-be-de-en-es-fr-hr-it-pl-ru-uk-20k

mv tokens.txt ../
mv encoder.onnx ../nemo-transducer-encoder.onnx
mv decoder.onnx ../nemo-transducer-decoder.onnx
mv joiner.onnx ../nemo-transducer-joiner.onnx

cd ../
rm -rf  sherpa-onnx-nemo-fast-conformer-transducer-be-de-en-es-fr-hr-it-pl-ru-uk-20k

4. SenseVoice

cd lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles
curl -SL -O
tar xvf sherpa-onnx-sense-voice-zh-en-ja-ko-yue-2024-07-17.tar.bz2
rm sherpa-onnx-sense-voice-zh-en-ja-ko-yue-2024-07-17.tar.bz2

cd sherpa-onnx-sense-voice-zh-en-ja-ko-yue-2024-07-17

mv tokens.txt ../
mv model.int8.onnx ../sense-voice.onnx

cd ../
rm -rf sherpa-onnx-sense-voice-zh-en-ja-ko-yue-2024-07-17

5. Paraformer

cd lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles
curl -SL -O

tar xvf sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2023-09-14.tar.bz2
rm sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2023-09-14.tar.bz2

cd sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2023-09-14

mv tokens.txt ../
mv model.int8.onnx ../paraformer.onnx

cd ../
rm -rf sherpa-onnx-paraformer-zh-2023-09-14

6. TeleSpeech

cd lazarus-examples/generate_subtitles
curl -SL -O

tar xvf sherpa-onnx-telespeech-ctc-int8-zh-2024-06-04.tar.bz2
rm sherpa-onnx-telespeech-ctc-int8-zh-2024-06-04.tar.bz2

cd sherpa-onnx-telespeech-ctc-int8-zh-2024-06-04

mv tokens.txt ../
mv model.int8.onnx ../telespeech.onnx

cd ../
rm -rf sherpa-onnx-telespeech-ctc-int8-zh-2024-06-04

For the more curious

If you want to find out how we generate the APPs in, please have a look at