How to export models from WeNet to sherpa-onnx

Suppose you have the following files from WeNet:


  • train.yaml

  • global_cmvn

  • units.txt

We describe below how to use scripts from sherpa-onnx to export your files.


Both streaming and non-streaming models are supported.

Export for non-streaming inference

You can use the following script

to export your model to sherpa-onnx. After running it, you should get two files:

  • model.onnx

  • model.int8.onnx.

Next, we rename units.txt to tokens.txt to follow the convention used in sherpa-onnx:

mv units.txt tokens.txt

Now you can use the following command for speech recognition with the exported models:

# with float32 models
./build/bin/sherpa-onnx-offline \
  --tokens=./tokens.txt \

# with int8 models
./build/bin/sherpa-onnx-offline \
  --tokens=./tokens.txt \

Export for streaming inference

You can use the following script

to export your model to sherpa-onnx. After running it, you should get two files:

  • model-streaming.onnx

  • model-streaming.int8.onnx.

Next, we rename units.txt to tokens.txt to follow the convention used in sherpa-onnx:

mv units.txt tokens.txt

Now you can use the following command for speech recognition with the exported models:

# with float32 models
./build/bin/sherpa-onnx \
  --tokens=./tokens.txt \

# with int8 models
./build/bin/sherpa-onnx \
  --tokens=./tokens.txt \


sherpa-onnx/csrc/ head does not exist in the metadata

/Users/fangjun/open-source/sherpa-onnx/sherpa-onnx/csrc/ head does not exist in the metadata

To fix the above error, please check the following two items:

  • Make sure you are using model-streaming.onnx or model-streaing.int8.onnx. The executable you are running requires a streaming model as input.

  • Make sure you use the script from sherpa-onnx to export your model.