Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Is there a colab notebook

Yes, we have one. Please see

It shows you

  • How to install sherpa-onnx

  • How to download pre-trained text-to-speech (TTS) models

  • How to use sherpa-onnx with pre-trained models for TTS

How to enable UTF-8 on Windows

For Chinese Users: 如果英文模型正常,中文模型不正常。请看下面的解决方法 和这个 issue

Please see win11 下永久设置cmd编码为utf-8

screenshot of how to set utf8 on windows

How to install sherpa-onnx for TTS

For Python users

The fastest way to install sherpa-onnx for TTS is:

pip install sherpa-onnx

The above command does NOT require you to install a C++ compiler and it supports a variety of platforms, such as:

  • Linux

    • x64

    • arm, e.g., 32-bit Raspberry Pi

    • arm64, e.g., 64-bit Raspberry Pi

  • Windows

    • x64, e.g., 64-bit Windows

    • x86, e.g., 32-bit Windows

  • macOS

    • x64

    • arm64, e.g., M1 and M2 chips

If you want to build the sherpa-onnx Python package from source, please refer to Install the Python Package.

After installation, please refer to for example usage.


pip install sherpa-onnx also installs an executable sherpa-onnx-offline-tts. The directory where it is installed should be already on your PATH after you activate your Python virtual environment.

You can run

sherpa-onnx-offline-tts --help

in your terminal to get the help information about it.

Build from source

Please refer to Installation.

Where to get pre-trained TTS models

Please refer to Pre-trained models.

How to handle OOVs

Please add them to lexicon.txt.