How to build sherpa_onnx.har

This page describes how to build sherpa_onnx.har from source.

Note that we have already published sherpa-onnx at the following address:

Screenshot of the ohpm package

Fig. 96 The sherpa_onnx package.

You can use it directly in your project by modifying oh-package.json5 to add the following lines:

"dependencies": {
   // please always use the latest version
  "sherpa_onnx": "1.10.33",

or use:

ohpm install sherpa_onnx


If you don’t want to change any C++ code of sherpa-onnx, then please use our provided sherpa_onnx.har package and you can safely ignore this document.


If you don’t want to change any C++ code of sherpa-onnx, then please use our provided sherpa_onnx.har package and you can safely ignore this document.


If you don’t want to change any C++ code of sherpa-onnx, then please use our provided sherpa_onnx.har package and you can safely ignore this document.

If you want to modify the source code of sherpa-onnx, then you can follow this document to build a new sherpa_onnx.har package.

Download commandline-tools

The first step is to download commandline tools for building sherpa-onnx.

Please visit to download it. Note that you need a Huawei account to download it.

Screenshot of the download the commandline-tools

Fig. 97 Download commandline-tools.

Alternatively, you can download it from the following huggingface repo

with the following command:

# Please use any directory you like.
# The following one is just an example.
mkdir -p /Users/fangjun/software/

cd  /Users/fangjun/software/

# If you use other systems, please change it accordingly.
# If you use macOS x64, please run the following

# For users that don't have access to huggingface, please use
# wget

unzip -qq

Build sherpa-onnx for HarmonyOS

Please use the following command:

cd /Users/fangjun/open-source
git clone
cd sherpa-onnx

export OHOS_SDK_NATIVE_DIR=/Users/fangjun/software/command-line-tools/sdk/default/openharmony/native/


Build sherpa_onnx.har

Finally, we can build sherpa_onnx.har.

We describe two methods below.

From the command-line

You can build sherpa_onnx.har from the terminal by running:

cd /Users/fangjun/open-source/sherpa-onnx/harmony-os/SherpaOnnxHar/
export PATH=/Users/fangjun/software/command-line-tools/bin:$PATH

hvigorw clean --no-daemon
hvigorw --mode module -p product=default -p module=sherpa_onnx@default assembleHar --analyze=normal --parallel --incremental --no-daemon

find . -name "*.har"

After building, you should get:

(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:SherpaOnnxHar fangjun$ echo $PWD
(py38) fangjuns-MacBook-Pro:SherpaOnnxHar fangjun$ find . -name "*.har"

Use DevEco Studio

Start DevEco Studio and open the project SherpaOnnxHar

Follow the screenshot below to build sherpa_onnx.har.

Screenshot of building sherpa_onnx.har using DevEco Studio

Fig. 98 Screenshot of building sherpa_onnx.har using DevEco Studio

The following screenshot shows where you can find the generated sherpa_onnx.har:

Screenshot of generated sherap_onnx.har

Fig. 99 Screenshot of the generated sherpa_onnx.har.

Use sherpa_onnx.har in your project

To use the generated sherpa_onnx.har in your project, please copy it to your project and update the oh-package.json file.

The following is an example:

Screenshot of using sherap_onnx.har in your project

Fig. 100 Screenshot of using sherpa_onnx.har in your project.

Colab demo

We provide a colab notebook build sherpa_onnx.har for HarmonyOS notebook to show you how to build sherpa_onnx.har from scratch.